Another year has come and gone. I want to give thanks to all my clients over this past year, that have sought me out for help and guidance in your lives.
It has been a gift and a pleasure to work with each and every one of you. As I have worked with each one of you, it has given me the opportunity to learn about myself.
Continuous Growth in ourselves makes our lives interesting and rewarding. I have discovered in my own life that the journey is never ending.
What are your plans for 2019, have you thought about it?
If not here are some points to consider.
1) Have a vision of how you want your life to be different.
- What makes you happy, feeling balanced and freer in your life.
- What old projects do you want to complete or new projects to begin.
- What would you like to release or let go of.
Take some time, and close your eyes and go inward, to your belly area.
Breathe in some relaxed breaths, bring your awareness to your breathing and belly area.
- Use these words “If I could see myself in the New Year creating a more balanced and happier life it would look like.” What do you see.
- Then take some time to search in magazines, and on the internet for images to support you in creating your ideal vision.
- Create a manifestation board, using a pin board or large piece of heavy paper, add the photos to help you create your vision.
- The process in selecting these images will help deepen and strengthen your desire to manifest what you want to create for your life in 2019.
2) You will want to get rid of the old or what doesn’t work.
- Look to see if you need to de-clutter areas of your home or office.
- Let go of people in your life that cause more suffering than joy. Or at least minimize your connection to them.
- Release old grudges, anger, blame and feelings of guilt.
These emotions are toxic and do not allow you to feel joyful. Try this centering technique. Tong-lin Practice.
Path to Freedom – Make Yourself a Priority.
3) This is not being selfish, this is taking take of the SELF. To often we put ourselves on the back burner and make everything and everyone else more important.
Here is a little technique to help –
- Close your eyes, relax and breath a few times, and now focus on your center, your gut feeling area.
- Before making a decision ask yourself, using one of these phrases ‘If I could know if this is what I really want to do, the answer is…’, do you hear yes or no. Or say ‘If I could know if this is a priority right now, the answer is…’, yes or no. Or ‘ If I could know if I am willing to give this to myself, so I can feel nurtured and recharged in my energy, the answer is…’, do you hear yes or no. Using this process will help you to know your inner truth more.
If we do not take care of ourselves we have no energy left for others. This can turn into resentment and irritation. So make yourself special in your own life. This will help you to create your desires for your NEW YEAR 2019. If you find you are having difficulty check out my Inner Knower Process.
Many Blessings, Nirup